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Soccer 25mm figures (unpainted and painted)

A football team consisting of 11 figures and a goalkeeper and 2 balls will be given free to each order Price for this team is $24. If you buy 4 teams you get 2 free as a bonus.

A referee team is 4 referees and 4 corner posts. Price for this set is =$16

Painted figures available painted to any national team or club as seen in the gallery above. Price is $7 per figure or $80 per team.

These can be used for the excellent rules out there as FUBA or other available on the market for hours of joy in the pause between the World Cup.

Currently Painted in stock:

5 Associations' Tournament (the figures you see in the gallery above)

1 England Football Team 



2 Scotland Football Team 



8 Scotland Football Team 



9 Wales Football Team 



10 Northern Ireland Football Team 



11 Republic of Ireland Football Team 



12 Referee Team 

 QReferee 1

 RGaolie 1

 SSides men flag up 1

 TSides men flag to side1

 CPCorner Post4

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