Age of Sigmar for sale

FS 28mm (actually 35mm) painted Warhammer Age of Sigmar. Figures have been pro painted by OGP. The price is really intriguing $600 USD and free shipping
Only the figures cost around $250 retail, so it is a bargain
Images can be seen here:
1 Evocators
Evocators 2
2 Evocator-Prime
Evocator-Prime 1
3 Sequitors
Sequitors with shields 5
Sequitors w/o shields 3
4 Celestar Ballista crew
Crew 4
5 Castigators with Gryph-hound
Crossbowmen on base 1
Crossbowmen 5
Gryph-hound 1
6 Liberators
Figures 7
Shields 7
Figures 3
Shields 3
11 Vanguard-Hunters
Figure + head + fur cloak 10
Spare details uncounted